Activity Report

Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | November 2021 Please find the latest market activity comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. For new listings, the downward trend continues.  The number of new listings entering the market has been below 2019 and 2020 levels since July. The number of properties under agreement have been following the 2020 trend lines since June and both October […]
Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | September 2021 Please find the latest market activity comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. The newly listed property activity tells the story of the market as the September numbers are below 2019 and 2020 levels. There is currently 1.2 months of inventory for single family homes in comparison to 2.5 months last September. Well priced inventory […]
Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | July 2021 Please find the latest market activity comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. Currently, single-family inventory is at a 1.1 month level with Days on Market decreasing 45% from last year. New listings have increased slightly but are still below 2019 levels. The properties under agreement are outpacing 2019, however, are slightly below July 2020 […]
Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | June 2021 Please find the latest market activity comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. Inventory continues to be a challenge and in June we had less than a one-month supply. New listings were at 2019 levels for June. The properties under agreement, which had exceeded the two prior years, stabilized in June. The sold properties, other […]
Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | May 2021 Please find the latest market activity comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. The newly listed property activity has surpassed 2020 levels, as expected due to the impact of the pandemic last spring, but has not reached the 2019 levels. Since January, the properties under agreement activity has surpassed 2019 and 2020 levels. The sold […]
Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | April 2021 Please find the latest market activity comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. Interestingly enough, new listing activity since mid-March has exceeded the 2020 levels as expected due to the impact of Covid on the market last spring. The properties under agreement have surpassed the 2019 and 2020 levels since the beginning of March. Sold […]
Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | March 2021 Please find the latest market activity comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. The newly listed properties are trending up from last year but still slightly below the 2019 levels. The properties under agreement, as expected, are up significantly from 2019 and 2020. Sold propertiess are comparable to the past two years, however, an increase […]
Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | February 2021 Please find the latest market activity comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. The new listing activity clearly reflects what we are experiencing in the market.  New listings are well below 2019 and 2020 levels and have actually been trending down since the beginning of the year. The number of properties under agreements are up […]
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Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | January 2021 Please find the latest market activity comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. As we begin the new year, we are taking a look at the latest year-over-year comparisons.  The data on these graphs clearly indicate the trajectory of the market over a sustained period of time.  The 2021 indicators for new listings taken, properties […]
Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | December 20, 2020 to January 2, 2021 Please find the latest market activity comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. This final chart tells the story of 2020.  The newly listed properties significantly declined beginning in March as the pandemic took hold.  While the numbers increased beginning in June, they remained at levels comparable to 2019 for the remainder of the year. […]
Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | November 22 to December 5, 2020 Please find the latest market activity comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. Please note, we have moved to a biweekly format. The trend lines remain consistent with previous reports.  The new listings are trending down but still slightly ahead of 2019 for the two week period.  With a one month supply of single family […]
Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | November 18 to November 21, 2020 Please find the latest market activity comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. Please note, we have moved to a biweekly format. The trends are similar to the last report.  There was a slight increase in new listings. The properties under agreement continue to hold strong and have outpaced 2019 since May. The properties sold […]
Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | October 25 to November 7, 2020 Please find the latest market activity comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. Please note, we have moved to a biweekly format. The new listings trend is moving towards 2019 levels but is still slightly ahead and has been since September. The properties under agreement are still strong and have surpassed 2019 levels since May. […]
Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | September 27 to October 10, 2020 Please find the latest market activity comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. Please note, we have moved to a biweekly format. The listings taken during this two week period were slightly over the 2019 levels but this was a slight decrease from the previous period. The properties under agreements trended up from the prior […]
Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | September 13 to September 26, 2020 Please find the latest market activity comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. Please note, we have moved to a biweekly format. The listing activity is up slightly for the last two week period from the same time last year. The number of properties under agreement continue on an upward trend since May when compared […]
Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | August 30 to September 12, 2020 Please find the latest market activity comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. Please note, we have moved to a biweekly format. We are now seeing an increase in new listing activity in comparison to this time last year.  Our expectation is that it will continue as sellers understand the dynamics of the current market […]
Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | August 16 to 22, 2020 Please find the latest weekly comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. There was not a significant difference from last week’s numbers. The properties newly listed were relatively flat in comparison to the same time period last week and still significantly below 2019 levels. Historically the end of August has been a slow week for […]
Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | August 9 to 15, 2020 Please find the latest weekly comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. There is little change from the prior week’s activity.  The number of properties listed continues to lag behind the 2019 numbers. The properties under agreement have been trending up since May. The sold properties, while still behind 2019 on a YTD basis, are […]
Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | August 2 to 8, 2020 Please find the latest weekly comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. The new listing information is reflective of a market consisting of multiple offers and increasing prices.  The number of new listings taken last week was down in comparison to the similar period in 2019.  In Rhode Island, we now have a one month […]
Activity Report Rhode Island Real Estate Activity Numbers | July 26 to August 1, 2020 Please find the latest weekly comparisons for the state of Rhode Island. Note that finally the number of listings taken for the week surpassed the comparable week in 2019.  This is the first week since March 8th that we saw an increase. The number of properties under agreement continues on an upward trend and has […]